Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where art thou Winter?

Where oh where did Winter disappear to? Rolling over in bed, trying to clear my sleepy head.....I could hear the melodious song of the male Cardinal. Is he trying to impress his girl or is he just happy that it isn't zero degrees and snowing. Not only did I hear Mr.Cardinal having fun but lots of other birds too. It feels so much like Spring today, they are predicting a high of 60. I ventured outside to get something. I was sporting lightweight pajamas........and get this, I was barefoot and the brick walkway did not feel cold to the touch. I couldn't believe when some insects flew by my face. It's amazing an insect would survive the Arctic freeze we've been in a good portion of the Winter. We are averaging ten degrees below normal so far and are on pace to use over 6 cords of firewood. I would love to be able to say that Winter is dead and gone for good but I know darn well this is just a tease. My itching to get out and do some yard work has already been forgotten. I mean come on, I am not that anxious for Spring to be here :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

ITs been in the mid 70's here the past few days. But, it looks like we are heading back into the colder weather again soon.